The idea of the play revolves around the life of Ashfan and his family, including characters such as Boutabar, Ghamran, Umm Harib, and Harib, who interacted with Ashfan in the original series. While the play follows the same story line that reflected aspects of social life in the Emirates in that era, it incorporates new developments from our contemporary reality, and highlights the social challenges that society faces today, such as the phenomenon of marriage (and fashionistas) that neglect traditional values.
In this work, Harib, Ashhafan’s son in the series, plays a prominent role with his sons in the play, as they form a bridge between ancient and modern generations and traditions. Through the interaction between them and the rest of the characters, some of the social challenges facing society today are reviewed, such as the impact of social media on social values and customs, which adds a modern character to the theatrical work.